Our market is ….

We are a Farmers’ Market which means 51% of our vendors must be farmer/producers in accordance with Public Health Regulations and Farmers’ Markets of Ontario guidelines. We are governed by a Board of Directors (vendors and non-vendor participation) that selects all our vendors from applications received.

All our vendors must grow, raise, bake or make 100% of what they sell. Reselling is allowed only by farmers with special permission who have applied to do so on their application form. Each request is dealt with by the Board in order to promote openness and transparency for our visitors.  Signage must be used to show that the product comes from another source.

We provide a safe and friendly environment to shop and socialize.

We are a growing market responsive to our customers, and the community.  Music by local musicians at the market is from 10:00 until noon with special thanks to Clearview Township. We have a Canada 150 event starting 01 Jul 2017 for children to help them identify and make healthier choices. The Healthy Choice Scavenger Hunt is at 10:00 am every Saturday morning with a prize for the first 5 children to find a felt vegetable.

Socialized dogs have always been welcome in our market.  Please keep them under control at all times and clean-up after them.  Dogs should be kept away from vendors’ tables especially where food is being offered for sale.  Owners could be held responsible for any damage to or at a booth or for any injury to a market customer.  As loving and responsible dog owners, we need to remember that not everyone is a fan of dogs so please be respectful of others.

Enjoy our market and tell us how we are doing. We love feedback on how we could improve our market. Follow us on Facebook.